Saturday, December 27, 2008

Ajax with Python - Combining PyJS and Appengine with json-rpc

I recently (re)discovered pyjs  - also called Pyjamas - which  is a tool to support development of (client-side) Ajax applications with Python, it does that by compiling Python code to Javascript (Pyjamas is inspired by GWT  - which supports writing Ajax applications in Java).

pyjs' kitchensink comes with a JSON-RPC example, this posting shows how to use Appengine to serve as a JSON-RPC server for the pyjs json-rpc example.

(Rough) Steps:
1) download appengine SDK and create an appengine application (in the dashboard)
2) download pyjs 
3) Replace pyjs example/jsonrpc/ with this code

from ui import RootPanel, TextArea, Label, Button, HTML, VerticalPanel, HorizontalPanel, ListBox

from JSONService import JSONProxy

class JSONRPCExample:
    def onModuleLoad(self):
        self.TEXT_WAITING = "Waiting for response..."
        self.TEXT_ERROR = "Server Error"
        self.remote_py = UpperServicePython()
        self.text_area = TextArea()
        self.text_area.setText(r"Please uppercase this string")
        self.button_py = Button("Send to Python Service", self)
        buttons = HorizontalPanel()
        info = r'This example demonstrates the calling of appengine upper(case) method with JSON-RPC from javascript (i.e. Python code compiled with pyjs to javascript).'
        panel = VerticalPanel()

    def onClick(self, sender):
        text = self.text_area.getText()
        if self.remote_py.upper(self.text_area.getText(), self) < 0:

    def onRemoteResponse(self, response, request_info):

    def onRemoteError(self, code, message, request_info):
        self.status.setText("Server Error or Invalid Response: ERROR " + code + " - " + message)

class UpperServicePython(JSONProxy):
    def __init__(self):
        JSONProxy.__init__(self, "/json", ["upper"])

4) Use the following code for the appengine app
from google.appengine.ext import webapp
from google.appengine.ext.webapp.util import run_wsgi_app
import logging
from django.utils import simplejson

class JSONHandler(webapp.RequestHandler):
  def json_upper(self,args):
    return [args[0].upper()]

  def post(self):
    args = simplejson.loads(self.request.body)
    json_func = getattr(self, 'json_%s' % args[u"method"])
    json_params = args[u"params"]
    json_method_id = args[u"id"]
    result = json_func(json_params)
    # reuse args to send result back
    args["result"] = result[0]
    args["error"] = None # IMPORTANT!!
    self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'

application = webapp.WSGIApplication(
                                     [('/json', JSONHandler)],

def main():

if __name__ == "__main__":
5) compile pyjs code in 3) and create static dir in appengine app to store compiled code (i.e in app.yaml)
6) use to test locally or to deploy on appengine

Facebook application
By using this recipe it was easy to create a facebook app of the example in this posting - check it out at

Alternative backend - using webpy

This shows how to use webpy as backend, just put the javascript/html resulting from pyjs compile into the static/ directory. Very similar as the previous approach, with the code in blue being the main diff (i.e. webpy specific)
import web
import json
urls = (
'/json', 'jsonhandler'
app = web.application(urls, globals())

class jsonhandler:
  def json_upper(self,args):
    return [args[0].upper()]

  def json_markdown(self,args):
    return [args[0].lower()]

  def POST(self):
    args = json.loads(
    json_func = getattr(self, 'json_%s' % args[u"method"])
    json_params = args[u"params"]
    json_method_id = args[u"id"]
    result = json_func(json_params)
    # reuse args to send result back
    args["result"] = result[0]
    args["error"] = None # IMPORTANT!!
    web.header("Content-Type","text/html; charset=utf-8")
    return json.dumps(args)

if __name__ == "__main__":